Trish D.W- Author
Welcome to my world of writing! On this website, you will be able to purchase my novels (both signed and not signed). Additionally, I provide review services and editing services. Lastly, I will be posting blogs that'll give viewers first dibs on ARC's and giveaways!

About Me
Trish D.W has aspired to be an author since she was a little kid on the playground writing stories, while everybody else played games. She always had a story in the back of her mind, ready to come alive with a computer, coffee, and the 2004 soundtrack to Phantom of the Opera.
She currently lives in St. Louis, Missouri with her husband, obnoxiously loud cat, and the thousands of untold stories that lay rampant in her mind. Her dream is to make writing her full-time career, and to spend her days creating new literary pieces on a dock overlooking a lake.